ChatGPT Angular Form Builder

Do you know any solution to generate a crud form, using angular and consuming rest api?

Yes, there are several ways to generate a CRUD form using Angular and consuming REST APIs. One popular approach is to use Angular’s built-in features such as Reactive Forms and the HttpClient module to interact with the RESTful API.

Here’s a high-level overview of the steps you could follow:

  1. Create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI.
  2. Define your data model and create a corresponding service that implements the CRUD operations using the HttpClient module.
  3. Create a component that will serve as the form for creating and updating records. This component will use Reactive Forms to define the form fields and validation rules.
  4. Create a separate component that will display the list of records and allow the user to delete them.
  5. Use Angular’s routing module to create routes for each component.
  6. Use Angular’s dependency injection system to inject the data service into the components that need it.
  7. Finally, deploy your application to a server that exposes your RESTful API.

There are also several third-party libraries available that can simplify the process of creating CRUD forms in Angular, such as Ngx-Admin, Ngx-Bootstrap, and PrimeNG.

Do you know a real example with form builder dynamically?

Sure, here is an example of dynamically building a form using the Angular Form Builder.

Suppose you have an API endpoint that returns a JSON object representing a form. The JSON object would contain an array of form fields, each with a type, name, label, and any other relevant metadata.

First, you would need to create a Form Component in your Angular application that will dynamically create the form based on the JSON object received from the API.

typescriptCopy codeimport { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'app-form',
  templateUrl: './form.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./form.component.css']
export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
  form: FormGroup;
  fields: any[] = [];

  constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // Call API endpoint to retrieve form fields
    // For simplicity, we'll just hardcode the fields here
    this.fields = [
      { type: 'text', name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
      { type: 'text', name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
      { type: 'email', name: 'email', label: 'Email', validators: [Validators.required,] },
      { type: 'password', name: 'password', label: 'Password', validators: [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(8)] }

    // Dynamically create form controls based on fields
    const formControls = {};
    this.fields.forEach(field => {
      formControls[] = ['', field.validators || []];

    // Create the form group using the FormBuilder
    this.form =;

  onSubmit() {

In the above code, we first retrieve the form fields from the API endpoint and store them in the fields array. We then use the FormBuilder service to dynamically create form controls based on the fields. We create a formControls object and iterate over the fields array to populate it with the form controls.

We then use the method to create the form group using the form controls we just created.

Finally, we define an onSubmit() method that logs the form values to the console. You would likely replace this with your own logic to submit the form data to your API.

Next, you would need to create a template for the FormComponent that will render the form dynamically based on the fields received from the API. Here is an example of what that template might look like:

htmlCopy code<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
  <div *ngFor="let field of fields">
    <label [for]="">{{ field.label }}</label>
    <input [type]="field.type" [id]="" [formControlName]="">
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In the template, we use an *ngFor directive to iterate over the fields array and render each field as an input element. We use the formControlName directive to bind each input element to the corresponding form control that we created dynamically in the component.

That’s it! When you navigate to the FormComponent route, the component will dynamically generate a form based on the JSON object received from the API endpoint, and users can submit data through the form.

Is it published in any repository or site?

No, the code I provided is just a sample implementation for dynamically creating an Angular form using the Form Builder. It is not published in any repository or site.

However, there are several existing libraries and packages that provide dynamic form building capabilities in Angular, such as @ng-dynamic-forms/core, @ngx-formly/core, and @rxweb/reactive-form-validators. These libraries allow you to define form fields using JSON objects and generate forms dynamically at runtime.

If you’re looking for pre-built solutions for CRUD forms in Angular, you can also check out open-source admin dashboards like ngx-admin, ng2-admin, or PrimeNG. These dashboards provide a set of reusable UI components for creating forms, tables, and other common user interface elements for managing data in web applications.

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